

A deployment consist of two artifacts:

  • A set of data files generated by the execution of the tooling: translation memories, indexes for search and extracted terminology.
  • The different web applications to make this data accessible to the user.

In the current configuration, it is assumed that the system building the data files and hosting the application is the same.

Getting started

There are two file locations:

  • The generation location: where you generate the data files
  • The deployment location: where files are deployed (usually /var/www...)

In the generation location, you need to do a git checkout of the tool in a subdirectory called “tm-git”. And then, you can execute the generate*.sh scripts in the deployment directory of the git checkout. This takes a few hours and produces all the data files.

Finally, you need to execute the deploy script ( that creates a pre-production environment, executes the integration tests, and if they pass, then if copies all the files to the deployment location.

In git’s deployment subdirectory there is a file that shows how to use the different scripts to build the data files and deploy the application.